You’re in for a treat today! I have teamed up with Shabby Apple to host a special giveaway for you lovelies – $50 gift card to Shabby Apple. Not familiar with the name?
Shabby Apple is an online women’s store that features unique, vintage-inspired clothing and accessories. Not only do they have beautiful cocktail dresses, retro style casual dresses, skirts and blouses but they also have a fabulous selection of jewelry & accessories, vintage style swimwear and even maternity & kids clothing!
Here are some of my favorite pieces from Shabby Apple :
What do you think? Awesome…..isn’t it? Be sure to head over to Shabby Apple and check out all the gorgeous dresses and accessories! I’m sure you’re going to love their collections as much as I do……
Can’t wait to start shopping? Shabby Apple has offered an exclusive 10% off for BeautyTidbits readers – just use the discount code beautytidbits10off at checkout to recieve 10% off your entire purchase. Please note that this code will be valid only for the next 30 days.
And now on to the giveaway! Here’s your chance to win a $50 Shabby Apple gift card.
Mandatory Entry : Visit Shabby Apple, pick your favorite dress, accessory or anything that catches your fancy, and tell us about it in the comments on this blog post!
For additional entries :
– Like Shabby Apple on Facebook and leave a comment letting me know that you did.
– Tweet about the giveaway with the hashtag #shabbyapplegiveaway and leave a comment telling me that you tweeted.
– Post about the giveaway on your blog with a link back to this giveaway and leave a comment telling me that you did.
– Subscribe to BeautyTidbits via RSS or Email and leave a blog post comment letting me know that you’ve done so.
– Like BeautyTidbits on Facebook and let me know in the comments.
Please leave a separate comment (with your name and email) for each extra entry, for a total of 6 possible entries. This giveaway is open for US residents only and ends on November 29th, 2012. The winner will be chosen via and notified by email shortly after the end date.
Thanks to Shabby Apple for sponsoring the giveaway!
love the academy award skirt!
i like shabby on fb- cindy batchelor Tweeted 🙂 @ladyboarder9669
subscribed with google reader- ladyboarder9669
i like u on fb- cindy batchelor
My fav dress is the Inca Trail or Dorado(same dress different color)
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
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Love ya on FB-Sharon Siqueiros
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Like Shabby apple on FB-Sharon Siqueiros
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I love the aintree dress 🙂
I love love love the Desert Modern dress!
I liked Shabby Apple on FB.
I subscribe to Beauty Tidbits via email– ekparisi at yahoo dot com
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Tweeted it!
I love I’m Late and the other lace dresses!
I like the bon voyage dress
I like Shabby Apple on facebook
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rss subscriber
I love the red fox dress!
Liked Shabby Apple on FB!
I love the After Class dress…..among many others!
I like the cha-cha blouse!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.
I love the Bernini Dress!
I like Shabby Apple on facebook!
I love the necklace – Through the Looking Glass.
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I like the GLITTERY shoes!
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Inca trail it is a dress that has three major things going for it 1) a casual piece that can be dressed up easily, 2) great color even for a super pale person like me, 3) the cut is flattering for ladies like myself that aren’t fat in the middle but don’t really have a nice nipped in waist. It makes the legs the emphasis. Thanks for introducing me to this site.
I love the Serenade Dress
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Shabby Apple FB Fan | Allison Swain Downes
Beauty Tidbits FB Fan | Allison Swain Downes
Email Subbie
I love the CEO dress. Thanks!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook (AmyLinHadra)
I subscribe to BeautyTidbits via Email (amybelle2001 at gmail dot com)
I like BeautyTidbits on Facebook (AmyLinHadra)
I love the Arripidae and Overboard dresses. Thanks for the giveaway!
I also like SA on FB. Thanks again.
The odyssey dress.
I’m an email subscriber.
I love the After Class dres…among many others.
i love this dress Golden Afternoon
I find this dress very stunning
Have a great weekend 🙂
I am an e-mail subscriber
love the extra credit dress!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
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katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
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katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
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Ellen Casper
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Ellen Casper
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Ellen Casper
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I love the Admiral Dress!
Ellen Casper
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I love the Tigris dress!
I like them on FB
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i like the flower v neck top
like SA on facebook-lmurley2000
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like BT on facebook-lmurley2000
Liked Shabby Apple on Fb
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I like the G. Cooper dress – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I liked you on Facebook (Paul Tran …. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
I liked SA on Facebook (Paul Tran …. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Email subscriber….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I tweeted about this giveaway @emscout9 (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)…