The latest fashion accessory isn’t a chic new bag or pair of shoes, but a pair of contact lenses. Dozens of celebrities wear colored lenses to enhance their natural beauty, coordinate their eyes with their clothes or appear over the top glamorous.
Whether they need contacts to enhance their vision or they just want to play with their regular eye color, a surprising number of them change it regularly with colored contacts.
For example, actress Jennifer Aniston, the former star of hit sitcom “Friends”, wears blue contacts to play up her “girl next door” look. Her natural eye color is brown but the blue eyes really highlight her “California blonde” appearance.
Heiress, model, actress and socialite Paris Hilton favors blue lenses with a black edge. They make her eyes “pop” against her fair skin and in the words of at least one fan, look “ethereal”.
Actress Drew Barrymore has natural blue eyes but wore brown lenses in the movie, “Charlie’s Angels”. It seems she liked the look so has taken to wearing them in her daily life at times.
Actress Angelina Jolie sometimes favors green lenses over her natural blue eyes. Green eyes offer a striking contrast to her dark hair and olive skin. It’s no wonder she keeps showing up on “world’s most beautiful women” lists.
Besides appearance, why would celebrities want to change their eye color? Eye color has an effect on the way people feel toward others. A recent study in the U.K showed that people with blue eyes were thought to be more flirtatious while brown eyes reflect kindness and trustworthiness.
Of course, looking fabulous is a big part of this trend toward a change in eye color. One celebrity who openly talks about her lenses as a “can’t live without accessory” is actress Hayden Panettiere who likes to change her dark eyes to blue or green. For her, it’s part of the fun of a big night out socializing and she also prefers colored contacts in front of the camera.
Actress Penelope Cruz was born with naturally beautiful brown eyes but she loves to wear green lenses to amp up her eyes’ attention grabbing appeal. The green against her dark hair is beautiful.
Supermodel Naomi Campbell likes to wear green or blue lenses over her natural dark brown eyes. The lighter color stands out against her dark skin and hair and makes her eyes seem huge. You can’t help but notice them. She wears light brown lenses too.
Britney Spears natural eye color is brown but she likes to wear blue and green contacts to make her eyes look brighter. Sources say they really lighten up her face.
So, there you have it, celebrities from Naomi Campbell to Jennifer Aniston are sporting colored lenses to coordinate with their clothes or their mood to look fabulous.
This is a guest post by Cindy from
How interesting! I’ve always wanted green eyes so I’d look into getting contacts 🙂
Another reason not to take the “natural” beauty of the celebrities on face value. 🙂
Vintage makeup – Glad you liked the post 🙂
Swapna – Yup….I agree!
drew barrymore is the best y perfect
I have green eyes, but have always wondered what they would look like blue or brown. Maybe I should try them out!
I recently bought a pair of sea green contacts and really love them. My eyes are naturally green but I wanted to see what they’d look like bluish/green. Definitely fun! and Affordable! They’re comfy and easy to apply, I suggest getting them to people who want to try something different. You might fall in love like I did
Sorry, I don’t know where you did your research but there are a lot of errors here.
1.) Jennifer Aniston’s eyes are naturally blue. She does not wear coloured contacts.
2.) Paris Hilton has green / hazel green eyes and wears blue contacts. She used to wear a brand called elegance (which had that strong black limbal ring you mentioned), but has been wearing a more natural brand for the last few years called Durasoft (in the colour baby blue).
3.) Drew Barrymore has naturally green eyes, not blue, and as far as I know does not wear coloured contacts on a day-today basis.
4.) Angelina Jolie’s eyes are naturally a pale blueish green grey – thus can look different depending on the lighting. She does not wear coloured lenses.
5.) Hayden Panettiere’s eyes are not ‘dark’, they are naturally a gorgeous green. I am unable to find any images of her wearing coloured contact lenses or mentioning that she does!
6.) I cannot argue the point about Penelope Cruz but was unable to find any images of her wearing green contact lenses – as far as I know she has naturally stunning deep brown eyes and plays up to this natural asset with expertly applied eye makeup. She is lucky in that she has deep eye sockets which are awesome for smoky eyes (a look which arguably looks best with brown eyes).
7.) You are correct about Naomi Campbell. She wears Freshlook lenses and her preferred colours are green and light brown.
8.) You’re also right about Britney. She does occasionally wear coloured lenses and have seen her wearing greens and blues over her naturally mid-brown eyes.
Please don’t take this personally – I’m not trying to diss your article – I actually think its a great idea, I just think it would be better if it was a little more accurate! You are right, there are many celebrities who wear coloured contact lenses – it’s just that most of them are not included in this list!
Penelope Cruz has NEVER wore green contact lenses. Nor does she need “to amp up her eyes’ attention grabbing appeal”… *rolls eyes* Her dark eyes are gorgeous.
@Calli Jennifer has dark blue eyes, but she wears lighter blue contacts. This is known.
Don’t believe all that’s written here. Most of those celebs don’t wear contacts. Hayden Panettiere for exsmple has real green eyes.