Abandon the Soap
Switch from soap or body gel to a cream-based body wash. Soaps and body gels are beneficial in the summer when the weather is warm and you break a sweat from just going outside, but when Fall rolls around, those harsh cleansing products will likely dry your skin out a bit too much. A cream-based body wash, particularly one with hydrating properties are the best for Fall and winter months. You can even find cream-based cleansers with fall scents like pumpkin or vanilla if you’re so inclined.
Use an Oil-Based Body Scrub
Using an oil-based body scrub can help exfoliate dry skin that’s so common in the Fall and winter months, and has a tendency to appear right around the end of September for many women. Not only do oil-based body scrubs help get rid of dry skin, they also add moisture because of the oil content. Look for an oil-based product with oil that’s similar to the one your skin produces like jojoba oil if you have normal to oily skin. If you have dry skin, something more hydrating like coconut, hazelnut or avocado oil will be beneficial. Oil-based body scrubs don’t have to be expensive either – most drug stores carry simple, all-natural body scrubs for all skin types for less than $10. Healthy skin doesn’t have to be outrageously expensive.
Don’t Neglect Your Lips
Cracked, dry lips are far too common in the Fall and winter months. If you’re like me, you keep lip balm in your purse all summer, but somehow seem to forget about it when the weather changes. The cool air of Fall is just as likely to cause your lips to crack and appear chapped as the hot, bright sun, so use that lip balm! A non-petroleum product is ideal, but using anything is better than nothing.
Protect Your Hands
If you live in a particularly cold climate, your hands are likely to go in and out of gloves more times than you care to count on a daily basis, which can leave your hands incredibly dry and in need of some TLC. A basic hand lotion may be enough for many women, but if you have particularly dry skin, invest in a penetrating hand cream that you can use at night in addition to a regular hand lotion. A good hand cream will also help prevent cracked and peeling cuticles.
Get Rid of Sunspots
Sunspots have a tendency to appear on the skin toward the end of the summer season and the beginning of the Fall. Sun spots look a bit like freckles, and while they aren’t dangerous, they are caused by prolonged exposure to the sun and sun damage. However, you can get rid of sunspots and get your natural complexion back using skin brightening products. With Kojic acid or hydroquinone as their active ingredients along with antioxidants Vitamin C, A and more, these products gently erase dark spots when used regularly and brighten your complexion.
Author bio: Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer from Los Angeles. She works with Skintrium writing about alternative skin care, health, and nutrition.
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