If you work in an office, you’ll know this scenario all too well : you look great when you leave the house in morning, but by the end of a long day spent in front of a computer with dodgy air con and heating to contend with, you’re an oily, frizzy, bedraggled mess.
Well, maybe it’s not that bad, but you’re definitely not looking as fresh as you did when you arrived at 9am in the morning. To combat this problem and ensure you look picture perfect next time someone invites you to post-work drinks at 5pm, follow this handy guide to the beauty essentials you should keep in your desk drawer at all times.
Tangle Teezer
Tangle Teezers are amazing. I don’t know what it is about them and I don’t know how they work, but somehow these clever little brushes that fit neatly in the palm of my hand manage to make light work of even the toughest tangles.
Dry shampoo
If you hair’s looking a little limp by the end of the day, spruce it up with a couple of blasts from a can of dry shampoo. A touch of backcombing and you’ll have instant volume!
Blotting paper
Many of us are prone to oily skin and if this sounds like you, then you’ll be all too familiar with the greasy skin you can experience after a long day. Combat the problem with skin blotting papers. These thin sheets of special paper instantly absorb oil and grease, meaning you don’t have to pile on layers of powder – they’re especially useful in summer when temperatures soar.
There’s nothing like a quick spritz of perfume to help you feel revitalised. It doesn’t have to be super expensive – just keep a bottle (or those handy sample sizes from Sephora) in your desk drawer and give yourself a spray when you leave the office to freshen up your look.
Obviously you don’t really have room for an entire makeup bag in your desk drawer (or the time to apply it all) but a coat of mascara can really make all the difference. It awakens your eyes, gives them shape and adds a touch of definition and drama to your look.
While a bold lippie might not be office appropriate, it’s one of the easiest ways to take your look from day to night. Whether you’re a fan of red, pink or orange hues, keep a spare in your desk drawer so you can instantly glam up your makeup in seconds!
We all know concealer is a bit of a wonder product as it is, but it’s amazing the difference it can make to a tired complexion at the end of the day. Smooth it under your eyes to hide any hints of bags, touch up imperfections and blemishes, then dot a little in the inner corners of your eyes to instantly brighten them.
What are your office drawer beauty essentials?
Author bio : This post was contributed by Olivia Golding who has been a budding fashion writer ever since she realized her mutual love for fashion and writing. She’s constantly eager to dish out advice and gets most of her inspiration from Missguided! Thanks for reading!
Thats a colls matter of fact list. I think I carry most of these things except dry shampoo.
True. I always use these at my work which makes look and feel fresh till evening. Nice article.
While I don’t use all these products for obvious reason, I make sure to keep perfume, deodorant, and hand wash in my bag especially when working. You’ll never know when you need them, right? lol