When this infographic landed in my inbox, I wasn’t too surprised to find Portland, OR on the top of the list. Being a Portlander myself, it feels great to see the results…..the gloomy weather does have its advantages after all 😉
Thanks to my friends at DailyGlow for the infographic!
Where you live may play a bigger role on your complexion than you think. Find out how your city ranked.
And here’s why Portland, Oregon is right at the top of the list…..
“Portland is ranked just in the right spot,” says Diane Baker, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. In addition to a long rainy season that makes it easier to stay out of the sun, Dr. Baker credits the combination of a pollution-free environment and the decline in the amount of people smoking overall for helping Portland achieve the top position.
“It’s a great place to live and have really healthy and youthful-looking skin for a long time.” According to Baker, Portlanders know exactly what to do in terms of health and skin. “In general, they eat healthy, they exercise, and they are savvy about protecting their skin from the sun,” she says. The data supports this: Portlanders are less likely to be smokers or have suffered a sunburn in the past year than most of the US population.
Yay, Honolulu is on the list too. I’m surprised with it having the lowest pollution particle when there’s too much traffic in that side of Oahu. But I guess it’s the overall Hawaii, fresh air and plenty of Vit D
Kath – Cool! Didn’t know you were from Hawaii…..lucky you 🙂
Wow, thanks a lot for the stats. I glad Milwaukee is among the top 10 🙂
Hmmm. So now we know the secret of your beautiful complexion. 🙂
Swapna – Thanks Swapna…..that’s sweet of you 🙂